Wednesday, November 10, 2010

E-Mail Archiving for Compliance

E-mail archiving is a regulatory requirement for many industries. This preservation is a mandatory safeguard that creates a record of all employee communication. Some e-mail archiving regulations are addressed below in respect to each regulatory issue.

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and SEC
FINRA is the largest independent regulator of securities firms doing business in the US. The regulations for securities firms are strict and require the preservation of electronic business records for 3-6 years, depending on the nature of communication. All messages must be stored in the original form and in a tamper proof, non-modifiable and non-erasable storage device. The data must also be stored in multiple locations with timestamps and ID for indexing and search. More about SEC and FINRA compliance requirements can be found here.

Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability
HIPAA is a regulation for protecting health information. There are numerous requirements but the main goal is to secure data at all levels and to provide a complete record of ALL communications for up to 6 years. It is necessary to store data to maintain a record in case of an audit or patient complaint.

E-mail archiving for compliance is a necessary function. If your organization is interested in learning more about a compliant E-mail archiving solution, NetSentry Live, please contact us directly at 1-888-50NETSENTRY.