Friday, August 27, 2010

Cost Effective DLP Strategies for Small Businesses

According to Osterman Research in their "Messaging Policy Management Trends Report" from 2007-2010, "current policies designed to protect organizations against the leakage of sensitive information are not considered effective by the majority of organizations.” In a world where 31% of data leak incidents are from viruses, and 28% come from insider abuse (Deloitte Global Security Survey), finding a Data Loss Prevention (DLP) strategy that is actually effective is paramount in keeping a business running.

For large businesses, a dedicated IT department is often a viable option to contain potential data leaks, but this form of DLP can be both expensive and cumbersome. In order to make a DLP effective, it needs to identify high-risk data leak points, be accurate in capturing data, and protect all data transmitted by a company, not just that deemed "sensitive". For a small business, this is an especially difficult challenge, as they often do not possess the resources to hire full time-tech staff.

One option for small businesses (SMBs) to deal with data loss is the addition of hardware or a software program intended to capture data that is sent out; but there is a risk of failure or incompatibility with certain systems. Another, often more effective, DLP method is to employ a separate, non site-based security option.

There are now a number of DLP solutions on the market that allow off-site monitoring and reconstruction of all data out and into a company; products that can scale with data use and provide a greater functionality for SMBs.

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