Thursday, August 19, 2010

Larry E Daniel Tapped As Expert

Larry E Daniel, CEO of Guardian Digital Forensics, has been tapped as an expert digital forensics consultant by AIT Inc. for a Dell Computer Lawsuit.
"Executives for A.I.T., which hosts websites and manages web domains, declined comment. According to its lawsuit, A.I.T. leased the Dell computers in 2003 and 2004 and says they were prone to overheating, crashing and losing data. The company says Dell stopped honoring its warranty, leaving A.I.T. and its customers stranded.
A.I.T. is now seeking to force Dell to release internal memos that A.I.T. thinks will show that senior executives are hiding information about their role in downplaying the computer malfunctions. A.I.T. says Dell computers were subject to nearly a 100 percent failure rate, but Dell says the failures affected about 22 percent.
In the latest round of filings, A.I.T. says Dell continues to engage in a coordinated campaign of deception. As evidence it cites a 2005 memo from Lynn Tyson, then Dell's vice president for investor relations, in which Tyson says the computer glitch poses no risk of safety or data loss.
"A.I.T. suspected the document in question might have been altered in some way and even went so far to retain a digital forensic consultant to examine the document," A.I.T.'s court filing says."

NetSentry is a division of Guardian Digital Forensics.

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